Tuesday, June 30, 2009

annoyed to hell with this fudging project

Possible ideas that just arrived...
I would like to remind others... please look at the experiment 1 notes... the calculations and etc for the project. If I have to repeat myself from stating the obvious again... if you can look at the data I did, it’ll help out with your understanding because I am for one annoyed to hell with this project...
Strategy of improving the old assignment.
1. Make a poster that shows who my target is and what is the demographics and etc. This should be purely straight forward.
2. In the animation I should clearly state it out that that my target range is the 20’s, poor, mentally depressed and focus on their problems.
3. The animation shell should be provocative of emotions but also intellectual as well. Like evans work, it is emotionally provocative but I’ve tried doing provocative with failed results....
4. In order to make something worth while, the new strategy is to use a structure that is similar to how people think.
This ad was on the tv where there was this homeless man living under a bridge and a well paid man working in the office. It was about not judging them for escaping the world. The poor man lives under a bridge to escape society. The working man stays at the office to escape society. In this advertisement an idea came. It was about making a narrative of the building a place for being non judgemental towards the targets and depression. But specifically what I like about this idea is the fact that they used narrative of being judgemental for people escaping society. In relation to this project, there are too many people to categorize so in specifics, I will assume many things. It’ll be on a big poster image of my rationale. There is people choose to be homeless because they want to or they are back sliders. They know they can’t afford things but are going into poverty even if they try hard. So with that being said, this is architecture of sympathy. The shell of the ward room should relate to the poster images I have.
The poster images had a tree in some kind of park. But the photo was taken by me at the campus but the meaning behind it is that there is a feeling of living there but it’s not exactly what you call home. There is little protection unlike a home but it is still a suitable place to stay at. That is the feeling I want to get out of the project. I can not cure depression but wanted to make the building feel a bit judgemental less. Just like the photo. It’s a pretty place but also not biased. The building shell should consist of showing the following characteristics:
Public, shaded, provide some sort of invitation to go in, shelter, refuge, semi private,
From the failure which came from the discussion from the jury... It was proposed that I take photo graphs and get to know the poor. But I laugh at them because if I were to visit them, I would need a Kevlar body armor suit head to toe with full anti riot gear. Not to mention get passed through UNSW red tape to get permission to take photographs of the people in the first place. Therefore it leads back to the documentation Ann quinlan told me to use before. Reasons for homelessness, the big reports of unfair treatment, the research paper. I have done the research paper, my project is about that. So I have done my research but relating to this project, I need to make an invention or building shell that helps promote these ideas. A good idea was a public bench that turns into a bed. Or a capsule housing unit that transforms into a market place during the day but at night becomes a shelter.
The key is to not be literal with the shelter but allude to it being a shelter. That is for next semester to refine a structure that is a shelter unit. For now I will try to think out of the box for the animation shell.

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